MMDS Case Study, Deployment Year 1994

Val d'Andorra The Coroi station Coroi Control Center

The Maya station Maya Control Center
MMDS Case Study STA Andorra, interview year 2002
MMDS Case study Maniitsoq, Deploment Year 2000
Head Station 2010 Head Station Winter 2002 The city winter 2002
MMDS Case Study Maniitsoq, installation year 2000
MMDS Case Study Maniitsoq, interview year 2002
Hypercable MWS- MVDS - MVDDS in the world
Why MVDDS cannot be deployed in USA ?
‘’ It is because rules imposed by the FCC, return these unrealistic projects’’.
Download the pdf FCC document for the DBS licensee care.
MVDDS Client reception France
1996 MMDS STA Andorra
MMDS Maniitsoq TV 2000 Greenland
MMDS Maniitsoq TV 2002 Greenland
2003 MVDDS Inforoutes France
MVDDS Croix Regis Relay France
2004 MMDS Etisalat Al Ain UAE
MMDS KU Selective Fading Etisalat